Americans are good on the “thoughts and prayers” thing. Also not so bad about digging in for the 10-buck donation. But otherwise, we don’t really care. Really.
5 Things Restaurants Need to Do To Save Themselves and Save the Earth
It’s time to get serious about changing our wasteful culture and no one person, industry, or law can do it alone. We’re in it together, so let’s stop fooling around, starting with how we dine out.
Why I don’t Fly and Why You Shouldn’t Either
I gave up air travel 27 years ago. I’ve seen plenty of the world since then and have barely scratched the surface.
Where Peak Oil Goes To Die
Trying to advance energy literacy has been a losing gambit for me. Trying to work my life around energy decline has been a study in absurdity. Can I reconcile the two?
Virginia foodie delights at Kybecca, Fredericksburg
Between an amazing chef, unique dishes, excellent service, and a great atmosphere, Kybecca in Fredericksburg is a Virgina foodie’s delight.
Gardens Build Community
This piece depicts the role of community gardens in providing food, greenspace, community, and stronger localities.