The creative people at Friends of the Earth (FOE) showed their media savvy recently with the release of Chloe and Will’s Hot Date Night.
In the video, energy-obsessed Chloe, a fickle minx with the hots for both her date and R30 insulation, turns up the heat of her passion with every energy-saving discovery she finds in her boyfriend’s apartment.
Well I should say “flat” because the video is aimed at the British government in a bid to get them to encourage more energy efficient solutions among Brits at every income level. FOE hopes to fight global warming through using less energy. (see video here)
Funny girl
I love seeing women taking a leading role in telling the energy story.
And though the video is edgy, and takes a chance, I find it hilarious that the old standby of using a woman’s sexiness to sell a product or idea is turned on its head here for the decidely unsexy topic of insulating your walls and attic.
But that may just be me. I’m not easily offended and I like to keep a sense of humor on even a sensitive topic like sexism, just to keep things in perspective.
Tell it sistah!
At the same time, I’d love to see FOE and other green organizations expand the role women take in making the energy case—and not just in our lacy bustiers. I could envision a whole series of these videos in both the UK and the States showing how women are aware of energy use and costs and how we can influence behavior through leading the conversation.
In my world almost all of these videos would be funny, even when they’re not playing on sexual stereotypes.
After all, what better way to tell a somewhat boring story than with a little irony, hijinx, or silliness. You make people laugh and that’s half the battle. Then they comment on the ad, and before you know it they’re talking seriously about the topic and what it means in their life.
I’ll snap my panties for that!
–Lindsay Curren, Lindsay’s List
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Our society was based on fossil fuels, and fossil fuels are still dominant sources of energy. There are two main reasons why alternative energy sources are getting so much attention in the last few years- the fact that fossil fuels are limited resources that will eventually become depleted and also the fact that fossil fuels burning create massive damage to our environment, particularly in form of climate change.