What Puerto Rico faces they’ll face again. And so will we. That’s why we shouldn’t rebuild Puerto Rico. At least not the same way. It’s time to work with, not against, collapse.
peak oil
Where Peak Oil Goes To Die
Trying to advance energy literacy has been a losing gambit for me. Trying to work my life around energy decline has been a study in absurdity. Can I reconcile the two?
Pope Francis’s climate encyclical
In a time when earth has been subject to the triumph of scientism and capitalism, Pope Francis’s climate encyclical is a liberating game-changer.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Are high-tech industrial vertical gardening visions viable? What is the energy equation and how does it square with lower tech (and less costly) options for transition to a more sustainable world?
Climate change: Obama needs to turn talk into action
Something’s been troubling me ever since I listened to President Obama’s first post-reëlection press conference. Perhaps as a result of…
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Bike riding is patriotic
In a world increasingly hampered by economic decline, which is itself hampered by energy decline, there are few things more…
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